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Reach out to X (Twitter)
users via email

Pistachio will find, verify email addresses, and draft personalized emails so you can find new leads.
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Find and verify email addresses

Add Twitter account to Pistachio and it will find and verify that person’s email address.
DMs in Twitter are full of spam and reaching out using email will increase chances to get a reply.

Draft personalized emails

Based on your goals and person’s Twitter bio, Pistachio will draft out highly personalized email.

Scale your Twitter outreach

Find and verify emails in bulk

Find and verify emails in bulk

After you've added a list of Twitter accounts to Pistachio, it cat quickly and accurately find and verify all their emails.

This saves you time and ensures that your outreach efforts are more effective.

Draft emails in bulk

Draft emails in bulk

Generate personalized email drafts in bulk based on your goals and the person's Twitter bio. This helps you create tailored messages that are more likely to resonate.

Organize contacts in projects

Organize contacts in projects

Pistachio allows you to organize your contacts into projects, making it easy to keep track of your outreach efforts and stay organized.


Light – $50/month
Verified emails - 500
Analyzed accounts - 500
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Pro – $100/month
Verified emails - 1000
Analyzed accounts - 5000
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Who am I?

Hey! Thanks for reading to this moment and, hopefully, now considering Pistachio. My name is Roman, you can find me on Twitter. I don't tweet much, but my DM is open!
Prior to Pistachio I built and sold a micro-SaaS (posts scheduler to social media). Also, I have an open-source project – Scramble. It helps Laravel developers to save time on documenting their APIs.
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